есть у меня дивная коллекция рисунков из книг 13-15 века... ну кто листал, тот в теме, что местами это тяжелая наркомания и рейтинг R.
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Le livre de Lancelot du Lac & other Arthurian Romances, Northern France 13th century.

Robert de Boron, L’Estoire de Merlin, Northern France ca. 1280-1290

Roman de la Rose, Netherlands ca. 1490-1500
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Liber de natura bestiarum, England after 1236

Bible, Hagenau ca. 1441-1449
Luttrell Psalter, England ca. 1325-1340

Decretum Gratiani with the commentary of Bartolomeo da Brescia, Italy 1340-1345

Les Grandes Heures du duc de Berry, Paris 1409

Von den 36 Sternbildern, Regensburg ca. 1491

Thomas of Cantimpré, Liber de natura rerum, France ca. 1290

Luttrell Psalter, England ca. 1325-1340

Psalter, Germany ca. 1235

Luttrell Psalter, England ca. 1325-1340

Breviary of Mary of Savoy, Lombardy ca. 1430.
кажется это фенек?

Book of Hours, Italy, ca. 1480
свет мой зеркальце, скажи...

book of hours, Picardy XV

Luttrell Psalter, England ca. 1325-1340

Roman de la Rose, France 14th century

Antithesis Christi et Antichristi (Jenský kodex/Jena Codex), Bohemia ca. 1490-1510

Gorleston Psalter, England 14th century

(‘The Maastricht Hours’), Liège 14th century

Speculum humanae salvationis, France 1470-1480

Biblia Porta, France XIII

'The Cloisters Apocalypse', Normandy ca. 1330

Saint Ambrose, Hexaemeron, Germany XII

Antithesis Christi et Antichristi (Jenský kodex/Jena Codex), Bohemia ca. 1490-1510

Speculum humanae salvationis, France 1470-1480

'The Smithfield Decretals’ (Decretals of Gregory IX with glossa ordinaria), Tolouse ca. 1300, illuminations added in London ca. 1340.

book of hours, Poitiers ca. 1475

‘Bible historiée toute figurée’, Naples ca. 1350

Luttrell Psalter, England ca. 1325-1340

Book of Hours. Use of Le Mans. West France, XV

Histoire de Merlin, France (Poitiers), 1450-1455

Bible moralisée, Bruges 1455-1460

Conception of Alexander the Great, Les faize d’Alexandre (translation of Historiae Alexandri Magni of Quintus Curtius Rufus), Bruges ca. 1468-1475.

Le Livre des hystoires du Mirouer du monde, Paris XV

Henri de Ferrières, Livres du roi Modus et de la reine Ratio, France XV

'Bible historiée toute figurée', Naples ca. 1350

Biblia Pauperum, Netherlands ca. 1395-1400

Histoire ancienne jusqu’à César, Flanders ca. 1470-1480

Beatus of Liébana, Commentaria in Apocalypsin (the ‘Silos Apocalypse’), Santo Domingo de Silos 1091-1109

Apocalypse, France 1220-1270

'Le livre de Lancelot du Lac', France ca. 1401-1425

‘Le Miroir du Monde’, France before 1463.

Avicenna, Canon medicinae (translation of Gerard of Cremona), Paris XIII

‘Trivulzio Book of Hours’, Flanders ca. 1470

The Rutland Psalter', England ca. 1260.

book of hours, Rouen XV

Christine de Pisan, L’Epistre d’Othea, Burgundy or Auvergne ca. 1450-1475

Dante Alighieri, Divina Commedia, Siena ca. 1444-1450

Le livre de Lancelot du Lac & other Arthurian Romances, Northern France ca. 1275-1300

Jacob van Maerlant, Der Naturen Bloeme, Flanders ca. 1350

Biblia Porta, France XIII

book of hours, Rouen XV
да-да, это св георгий!

'Hours of Engelbert of Nassau', Flanders ca. 1470-1490

ну и финалом

Macclesfield Psalter, England ca. 1330 и The Rutland Psalter’, England ca. 1260
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