27.01.2014 в 17:21
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27.01.2014 в 01:35
Пишет  aretania:

картинки в хорошем разрешении и целые книжки

Credit: Wellcome Library, London
A tattoo on a piece of human skin showing a female face
Photograph Late 19th century

Getty Publications Virtual Library: http://www.getty.edu/publications/virtuallibrary/index.html

Wellcome Images Library: http://wellcomeimages.org/

Flickr Британской библиотеки: http://www.flickr.com/photos/britishlibrary

Публикации The Metropolitan Museum of Art: http://www.metmuseum.org/research/

Getty Search Gateway: http://search.getty.edu/gateway/

The J. Paul Getty Museum images on the Museum's Collection webpages: http://www.getty.edu/art/

О программе Open Content Института Гетти: http://www.getty.edu/about/opencontent.html

New Virtual Library Offers over 250 Art Books for Free Download: http://blogs.getty.edu/iris/new-virtual-library-offers-over-250-art-books-for-free-download/

Wellcome Trust puts over 100,000 images online http://www.medievalists.net/2014/01/21/wellcome-trust-puts-over-100000-images-online/

По-русски о виртуальных библиотеках Института Гетти и Wellcome Library: artguide.com

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